Back to the routine 100%!
Return to routine, requires to be at 100% and often we need an extra push to help us feel emotionally safer, in balance, and prettier, in order to better deal with the obligations, the rhythm that marks the daily life and get ready for the coming of autumn.
September is a great time to introduce good personal care habits, and having one of our AROMALABORATORY Air Purifying Mists on hand is always helpful.
Among the main strengths of this line we highlight its extraordinary aromatherapeutic and hydrotherapeutic capacity to repair environmental damage and offer great emotional relief.
- Antibacterial anti-pollution action: they neutralise the environmental pollutants that damage, pollute and age our skin, hair, etc. Highly recommended for feeling hygienic, controlling acne, etc.
- Moisturising and soothing action against hot flushes, facial flushing, etc. They are wonderful thermoregulators.
- They perfume in a natural and aromatherapeutic way, controlling the environmental stress that unbalances us emotionally.
- They rescue us emotionally, for the control of stress (RELAX), emotional pain (LA NATURALEZA), insomnia (EL SUEÑO), fatigue (RESISTENCIA), etc.
- They are antioxidants, so they are fabulous for preventing ageing.
- They neutralise free radicals from radiation from screens and electromagnetic devices that age the skin.
- Their purifying effect also fixes make-up and cleanses the face. Use them before or after applying make-up and achieve a spectacular clean and natural result.
With the changing seasons approaching, improve and reinforce your mood and your emotional well-being and manage environmental stress and ageing, for a radiant and confident attitude, strong self-esteem, and beautiful, healthy skin with some of the 8 different Organic Personal Purifying Mists.
We love these Natural Cleansing Mists! And you?
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